Who is Jesus Christ?
Jesus is The Son of God Jesus is The Creator of All Things Visible and Invisible Jesus is The Only Lord and Savior Jesus is the Head of His Church Jesus Died to Pay for the Sins of the World Jesus Shed Blood on the Cross Cleanses Us From Sin Jesus is Our Healer & Deliverer Jesus is The Soon Coming King Will You Accept Jesus Right Now? Are you ready to meet Jesus when he returns? Jesus Said You Must Be Born Again to Enter Heaven Jesus Loves you

24/7 Live Video & Audio Christian Chat Rooms

Only registered members who are registered with the site and logged in to the site have access to any of the chat rooms listed below, simply click the Join button of any chat room after you are logged in to the site to enter a chat room!

Try Demo Room For Unregistered Web Site Members

Hello world! We created a video chatroom for non-registered website members to try! This room has limited functions so you can only try the audio, video, and chat box but it will give you an idea of what an active member video chat room may look like! To try the demo chat room simply enter a Nickname in the Name TextBox and click the Join button to try the room! If you would like to join other members chatting online, you can register with our website and have full and free access to all the video chat rooms on our website! All video chat rooms are 100% FREE, simply Join!  

Using the audio & video chat rooms are easy as 1,2 3

Step 1

Welcome Message

After you have logged into the website with your username and password you are greeted here and are ready to start chatting! Skip Step 2 and read Step 3 to learn how to enter a chat room!

If you do not see your username appearing here, then go to Step 2.

Step 2

Do you see the greeting?

If you see a welcome message with your username in red in Step 1, then you are already logged in and ready to start chatting in the chat rooms below, skip Step 2 and Go To Step 3.

If you do not see that you are greeted in Step 1 then you must first Login if you have already registered or Create a user account and Register now to have access to the chat rooms and access to manage your user profile.

Note: We ask that all users please update and add a profile picture to their profile so the site will look nice to all Guests who visit the site. Thank you!

Step 3

Enter A Chat Room

View all chat rooms below and select a chat room you want to enter by clicking the "Join" button of the chat room you selected to enter that room and start chatting with others in the room!

It's that easy!

Invite all your friends to join you here for Awesome Christian Fellowship and Fun!

To enter any video chat room simply click the Join button of any chat room below to enter chat room.
The Praise and Worship 24/7 Chat Room is the lobby room where most users meet for great fellowship and praise and worship but you can visit any chat room!

Who's Currently Online?

Rooms that are open 24 hours 7 days a week

Praise & Worship 24/7

music-chat-rooms, praise and worship
Sing praises to the Lord with voice and/or instruments of worship! Participants can play Youtube intramental videos and karaoke. You will also be able to just play good worship hymns and songs from Youtube and everyone can join in the singing to worship the Lord! Please take turns on the microphone and allow others to also play their favorite worship songs. No secular music is allowed in the Worship & Parise Char Room.  


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music-chat-rooms, praise and worship

24/7 Mature Christian Chit Chat Room


24/7 Mature Christian Chit-Chat Room is a place where mature Christians gather and talk about anything the Lord has put on their hearts! Start a good Christian topic and the chatters in the room will respond with their insights and opinions  :=) All site members are welcome to join this room, please respect all other members in the room or you will be suspended or banned from the site. Thank you. Click the Join button to enter the chat room

A·pol·o·get·ics  24/7 Chat Room

Apologetics Chat Rooms, Christian Debates
Apologetics Chat Room is a room where mature adult Christians gather to discuss biblical theology and doctrine in a relaxed atmosphere! Grab a cuppa tea or cup of coffee and join the profound discussions our members are chatting about. All site members are welcome to join, please respect all other members opinions in the room or you may be suspended or banned. Thank you. Click the Join button to enter the chat room

Rooms that open when an @admin is in the Room

Deliver Us From Evil Chat Room

Deliver Us From Evil chat room

Host: Pastor & Teacher Joel Martin

Every Sunday night Open Heaven Christian Church hosts a live preaching, teaching, and communion service for all to come and participate! You will be blessed by the word and fellowship of believers from around the world. After the Service, we will offer Prayer to anyone who would like prayer for Healing and Deliverance. SUNDAY NIGHT BIBLE STUDY STARTS @ 5:30 PM CENTRAL TIME. This chat room is only open when a moderator is present in the room.


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BBaz Ministry Room

BBaz Chat Group
This chat room is only open when the admin is in the room. Administrator of the BBaz Ministry Room. Owner & Admin: Rose roseofsharon Please message the room owner for dates and times the room is open.      


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Meeting date
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You must be a registered user to participate in this chat.

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