Open Heaven Christian Church

Giving and Receiving

Are Christians required to give weekly monetary Offerings or Tithe to the Church to stay in right standing with the Lord?
Joel Martin
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Are Christians required to give Tithes and Offerings of their monetary substance to the local Church they attend? 

This lecture will answer both questions on Tithes and Offerings.

Many Churches today are obligating their members to pay a Tithe of ten percent of all their substance, and give monetary offerings to the Church, but is this still biblical today?

Should a Christian person concur with their local Churches and leadership that requires them to pay their Tithes and offerings? Is this what the Bible teaches people to do? Are Christians obligated to continue paying tithes and offerings?

This lecture will answer these questions concerning paying tithes and offerings by looking at only scripture in the correct context to answer these questions!

Enjoy your study,

Pastor Joel Martin 







Giving and Receiving
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