Open Heaven Christian Church

Deliverance & Healing Testimonials

Testimonials from local people and from around the world of how Jesus made them free when Pastor Joel prayed for their deliverance.

Jesus Christ heals mental, emotional, and physical sickness and disease.

Scroll down to view all testimonies of how the Lord brought healing and deliverance to people’s lives as Pastor Joel ministered into their lives!

If you have a testimony of when Pastor Joel ministered prayers of deliverance with you, feel free to Submit Your Testimony.

Average Rating: 5.0 stars (based on 2 ratings)

I got delivered from a suicide evil spirit


Brother Joel cast a demon of suicide from me and I was delivered by the Lord. The demon had not returned except for a couple of times when He tried to return but was unable because the Angel Michael stood guard with a two-edged sword and saved me from repossession severing the demon in half. I enjoy a life free of demons thanks to Pastor Joel praying for me, and the delivering power of Jesus.

Carl Carter

I got delivered from PTSD disorder

I have an incredible testimony to share. Recently, Pastor Joel prayed for my deliverance from PTSD, a disorder that stemmed from years of physical and emotional abuse in my marriage, which I am now planning to end. Since that powerful moment of deliverance, my life has undergone a profound transformation. For the first time in years, I now experience peaceful nights without the terror of nightmares that used to haunt me. Constantly waking up in sweats had left me tired during the day, and PTSD had taken a toll on my overall well-being. It’s a debilitating disorder that makes you restless after a provocation-induced episode. But after my deliverance, those haunting nightmares of demons chasing me and unspeakable horrors were replaced with an overwhelming sense of peace at night. It’s the kind of peace I hadn’t felt since my PTSD diagnosis two years ago. Grateful to God, I no longer harbor thoughts of harm or fear from others. I want to express my deep gratitude to brother Joel who played a vital role in this.

Yvette Aguinaga

Has Pastor Joel of Open Heaven Christian Church ministered prayers of deliverance for you? If so, please type your testimony into the form below and tell the world how the Lord Jesus Christ delivered you from demons after Pastor Joel prayed for your deliverance. Please be specific in writing your testimony so others who read your testimony will be encouraged to believe that the Lord can and will make them free after they receive prayers for deliverance!


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