Open Heaven Christian Church

Deliverance Beginner Course

The lectures in this free deliverance course will teach you what deliverance is, and how Jesus can heal a person through deliverance.
Joel Martin
14 Students enrolled
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This is a beginner introductory course on deliverance e.g. The Casting Out of Devils or Demons and the Healing of spirit, soul, and physical body that occurs when the Lord Jesus brings deliverance into a person’s life!

This free beginner deliverance course is designed to help every believer of Jesus Christ with truths found in the word of God about Deliverance and Healing.

The lectures in this free deliverance course will teach you what deliverance is, and what it does when does when properly understood and executed in ministering to those who are hurting and sick.

Every “Believer” of Christ Jesus should take this course so they can be properly equipped to minister and deal with demons that are causing all manner of sicknesses and diseases in people’s lives. 

The Lord Jesus was not kidding when He said these profound words found in the gospel of Mark. — Jesus said in Mark 16:17-18

17 And these signs shall follow them that believe; In my name shall they cast out devils; they shall speak with new tongues; 18 They shall take up serpents; and if they drink any deadly thing, it shall not hurt them; they shall lay hands on the sick, and they shall recover.

Everyone in the body of Christ who claims to believe in Jesus Christ as their Lord and Savior should be ministering deliverance as Jesus taught in scripture.

The truth is that many are not teaching and equipping the body of Christ on how to minister deliverance by casting out demons to bring healing to the sick.

This free online course will teach you the hows and whys of deliverance, and why every believer of Jesus Christ must be ready to minister deliverance that brings healing to those who are bound by sickness.

Our Church preaches and teaches deliverance and people from all walks of life are receiving deliverance! To God be praise, glory, and honor!

View our new Testimonial page to read about what a few people are saying after receiving deliverance from demons. 

I am sure this free course will bless you very much!

Pastor Joel 



Deliverance Beginners Course
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