Open Heaven Christian Church

The Second Coming of Jesus Christ

In this lecture, you will learn the shocking truths that many do not teach or ignore concerning the return of the Lord Jesus.
Joel Martin
2 Students enrolled
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NOTE: This course is under construction and will be available soon!


The Bible has much to say concerning the return or “Second Coming” of the Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, it is a widely misunderstood topic by many, including many people who love and serve the Lord.

The subject of the second coming of Jesus surrounds the topic of the “RAPTURE” in which the Lord returns to receive His Church called the bride of Christ.

In this lecture, you will learn the shocking truths that many do not teach or ignore concerning the return of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This course will teach you Bible prophecies that give us a clear understanding of events that will unfold leading up to the return of Christ, and events that take place at His coming.


Enjoy your study!

Pastor Joel Martin 



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